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Our weekly series of news, events and recommendations. This week is dedicated to Pride.


Celebrate Pride

Every June, we honour the anniversary of Stonewall Uprising, the historic event that marked the start of the movement for LGBTQIA+ rights across the globe.

Discover where the biggest Pride parades are taking place around the world here, and make sure to look out for events in your area if you wish to join in the celebrations.


The Biggest Pride Parades Around the World 2022

Building Equality Support Pack

Have a look through this support pack put together by Building Equality, an alliance of construction consultants, engineers, developers, contractors, and institutions who are passionate about working together and harnessing our collective power to drive LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the construction, engineering and built environment industry. The pack includes topics such as the meaning of LGBTQIA+ flags, Glossary to help us understand terms and language, a reading list, film list and Ted Talks.

Building Equality support pack 

LGBTQIA+ Podcast recommendations

Another way of learning and celebrating is by plugging into an LGBTQIA+ podcast. From the funny to the highly informative, there are so many series to add to your podcast libraries.

12 LGBTQ Podcasts You Should Be Listening To (

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