The Aberdeen Society of Architects Awards aim to raise the public profile of good quality architecture, creating a showcase for the profession, recognising quality design; whilst demonstrating the architect’s skill and the contribution the projects bring to the built environment.
Recognising innovation and design excellence, irrespective of size or type, and whether new or adapted; all types of architectural projects were eligible and the judges were encouraged to award winners in the following categories: Public Buildings; Commercial Buildings; Residential Buildings; Conservation; Regeneration; and the Innovative use of Timber.
The £13 million Stoneywood School has been funded through the Council's five-year Capital Programme. It consists of a two stream Primary School and 60 place Nursery and is located on the site of the former Bankhead Academy.
“We are immensely proud of our £78m investment in fantastic new schools such as Orchard Brae, Lochside Academy and the new Stoneywood School, each of which has given pupils access to the best possible facilities. Congratulations again to Scott Brownrigg who have more than justified our trust in them.”
Councillor Douglas Lumsden , Co leader of Aberdeen City Council
The new state-of-the-art school building is conceived around the strongest sustainable design principles, being one of the largest cross laminated timber education buildings delivered to date in Scotland. As a direct result, the calm and spacious aesthetic deriving from the building form delivers a light, modern, natural feeling, healthy learning and working environment for the primary and pre-school stages for the community.
The school design has been developed around a school heart concept, with a series of elegant ‘lantern’ teaching pavilions embracing the core community and assembly spaces. Each pavilion is generated around a spacious top lit collaborative activity area encircled by classroom teaching spaces. Every teaching space in turn, directly extends and reaches out into the external teaching environment.
The win was covered in the Aberdeen Evening Express.
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